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The Mesh for All

Writer: Jon EmeryJon Emery

Updated: Sep 5, 2022

This week in the technique corner, we'll be talking about a double-crochet mesh.

This is a technique that I encountered many years ago, and have used it for primarily scarves and blankets. It's simple, but effective; and the really cool thing is that it can be used for a whole variety of reasons. My favorite reason is as a 'stash-buster'.

Here's the story... there was a day recently when I was 'shopping my stash' as I like to call it. These moments have increased in frequency, now that COVID is a fact of life. But the fact that it's here has also increased my completion rate of projects. As I glean through my stash, I find not only 'mystery' yarns, but my (far too many) UFO's. Rather than go yarn shopping, I find either an unfinished (or hibernating) project, and get back to work on it. Or I decide that I REALLY didn't know what I was thinking when I started it, and frog it. OR... I find a yarn that (for some ethereal reason) I bought, and now I don't remember what it was originally meant for. I'll see if I can devise a reason to use that yarn in a project.

That's when a technique like the one I'm going to share comes in handy. You can use this technique to plan a rather large project (like a blanket), or just crochet up a quickie, like the scarf I'm going to show you. This scarf was made with a 'novelty' yarn, (a bulky mohair style yarn) that I really don't know why I had it in my stash... it was one of those mystery yarns. And I found a nice worsted weight solid color (of course, Purple) that it would pair nicely with.

I made the mesh with the purple, and wove in the novelty yarns for the 'accent'... here are the results. It's not perfect, but it's quick and fun...

I was first introduced to this technique in a Leisure Arts leaflet many years ago. The designer was a lady by the name of Marion Graham, and she (upon researching) has long since passed away, but not before she created (for lack of a better word) a TOME of creations for Leisure Arts. Everything from afghans to baby clothes. If you run a search on Ravelry, she has 52 patterns credited to her, but I'm sure there are more. If you search for 'crochet plaid', there are 190 listings, none of which credit her. Perhaps she didn't devise the pattern originally, but in my mind, she did. I guess giving her credit for that may be like crediting someone with creating a 1x1 rib. Regardless, here's to you Marion; thanks for the inspiration!

So, finally, on to the technique...

Here is a simple test swatch to show the results of the technique, and the weaving that really 'brings it to life'...

The technique is basically a double crochet mesh, created with alternating double crochet stitches with chain-one spaces. Once you've completed the body of your project, you weave in yarns through the mesh to create a fabric.

The swatch shown is 9 'boxes' wide and 9 boxes high... I chose to just repeat the 'pattern' for the vertical weaving... and here are the results. Granted, this is a very 'basic' pattern, but that doesn't mean that it wouldn't be effective.

If you want to create your own plaid, there is 'some' math involved... (Oh No!.. not the dreaded math!)... but yes, in knitting, (or crochet) there is often some math required.

The formula for creating the number of 'boxes' for your mesh is as follows:

B = number of boxes wanted

C = number of chains to start with

2(B) + 4 = C.

It's as simple as that... if you want 6 boxes, then 2(B) + 4 = C becomes: 2(6) + 4 = 16.

<or>: 2 times 6, then add 4 equals 16 chain stitches to start with.

Another example would be for the swatch shown (9 boxes);

the required number of chains was: 22 chains.

Once you have your starting chain, you double crochet (dbl cr) in the 6th chain from the hook, then **chain one, skip one chain and double crochet in the next chain. Repeat from ** until you reach the end of the beginning chain. (Double check that the number of boxes you wanted is correct). The next (and all subsequent rows) are: Chain 4, (turn work) double crochet in first double crochet, **chain one, dbl cr in next dbl cr; repeat from ** to last dbl cr. Chain one, skip on chain, and dbl cr in second chain from last dbl cr.

Here is a picture of my most recent use of this technique, and it's largely based on the original pattern from the leaflet. My only change was the number of color groups, and how they were arranged. Originally, there was only one gradient color used, and every square looked the same (light to dark, moving outward), but with the second gradient (the green's), I felt more of a sense of movement and I liked it better.

My only other 'hint' would be this: If you're planning on making something that uses the yarns both for the mesh AND the weaving, (like the blanket) make sure that you have enough yarn to satisfy the needed yardage for the weaving threads. I've made that mistake before. I've finished the mesh, but forgot to save enough yarn for the weaving. But I 'sallied on' as they say, and just used a different stash yarn for the weaving. Hey that would satisfy one of my 'goals'... use up that stash, so we can add to it!... 'giggle'.

Hope that this gives some 'food' to your inspiration(s) &/or idea(s). Happy crafting!


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